Monday, 5 November 2012

Nu Pick's Orphanage

The first place we visited was an orphanage that was started by Nu Pick (see picture).

Nu Pick shares his story and the history of the orphanage.
Nu Pick's daughter died at the age of seven from Dengue Fever because the line at the hospital was too long and they could get her the medicine in time.

A short time later, Nu Pick's wife saw an orphan girl on the streets around the same age as her daughter that had just died.  Filled with compassion, she took in the orphan girl and her siblings.

They started taking care of more orphans and now they care for 18 children.

While we were there, we played games with the children.  They liked playing volleyball in a big circle - but there wasn't any net.  We also played some softball, skipping and hitting a ball with small racquets.

A girl serving the volleyball.
Ryan about to serve the volleyball to others in the circle.

Joining in with volleyball.
 The kids also liked puppets - which I was very pleased about!
One of the orphan boys saying 'Hello' to Ralph.

Team Reflections - "What stood out for me.."

Michael: At the orphanage we visited we played games with the orphan kids and a couple of them encouraged me to skip which I sucked at even though I have more access to skipping ropes then they do! But after we got bored of that, a 13 year old boy named Luke taught me a game called paper, scissor, stone. It's like paper, scissor, rock but they toes of the peoples feet touch and whenever someone wins a round they moved their feet back and the loser stretches their legs forward. It makes your arm tired shaking your fist because of the competition.

Ben: Nu Pick's story about his daughter passing away and the rockstar reception the kids gave us even though we were only there for a few hours.

Mel: I was totally blown away by Nu Pick's heart wrenching story about loosing his daughter almost overnight to a disease.  I believe there was not a dry eye in the room as he let us in to the heartache and loss that he and his wife experienced.

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