Annette: On Thursday afternoon we got into pairs and were given $20. Our mission was to go to the local market to buy 20 soaps, 20 packets of washing powder and hair ties. Each pair were given something different to buy.
Troy warned us before we went to expect a very strong smell, pig heads and other unpleasant things. We managed to get all that we needed to for just under $20, or so we thought!?!
Going to the markets... |
When we arrived back at the hotel, we discovered that we were 5 packets of washing powder short! We got ripped off!?! I was very annoyed but that soon disappeared as we put together 20 care packages for a very poor village we were visiting for tea. Other things in the care package were mosquito nets, underwear, thongs, note pads & pens, fruit, vegetables and coal.
Sorting out the gift packs for the families in Chom Trough |
Ben and Lloyd bring back some coal for the villagers... by horse and cart! |
We then travelled to the village to give the packages out. Wow! What a village! Check out the photos of the houses! Some of the students from Carmel recently spent a night at this village. I'm not sure how we would have coped with that.
A house in Chom Trough |
Ryan giving one of the gift packs to the village families |
Larissa made lots of friends |
So did Patricia |
The lovely ICC Cook then cooked up a massive 'pot' of noodles was for dinner. Kids came from everywhere with their bowls, or for those that don't have bowls, they came with plastic bags! After dinner we had a big bon fire (cause it wasn't hot enough already!?!) and cooked chocolate chip damper.
Now THAT is a big pot of noodles! |
Cooking damper around the bonfire. |
The living conditions at that village were unbelievable. I'm really glad that we were able to give some of the families a great care package.